Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Inspirations - Kiss Me

This weekend, our March Calendar Boys story comes out. It's about a photographer who gets asked out on a date by the gay porn star he's had a crush on for months. "Kiss me, I'm Irish" takes on a whole new meaning when your date kisses guys for a living.

Now, I would show you pictures of Mal, our photographer, but, um...I don't have any. Pepper settled on what this guy looks like, and I don't know the name of the actor she used as a base. I know he has red hair and puppy dog brown eyes, though, because those are two things my character, Alejandro, loved about him.

So I'm going to flood you with pictures of the guy who was the base for Alejandro, our gay porn star. Thankfully, he has a lot of pictures online because he's actually a model in real life. His name is Patrick Ribbsaeter, and yes, I know he's not Hispanic. He was just the base I took inspiration from. But he's so damn easy on the eyes that I'll share a few of my favorite pictures:

I think of this as his, "Come on, I dare you" look...

And this is his, "Come hither," look...

And see! I even love how he looks in clothes!

And to prove it's not all about the hair...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the best post ever \o/
