Thursday, March 6, 2008

Writer's Block: So far in 2008

Yesterday, I was looking at the schedule for my kids' school, trying to determine if a playdate was going to interfere with something. Lo and behold, there's the reminder that spring break is at the end of this month. Only a little over 2 weeks away. My first thought was, "Where did 2008 go?!?"

Seriously, I find it very hard to believe it's March already. My daughter started softball practice last night, even. The weather is nice enough here in the Bay Area that she wore shorts. Spring is right around the corner.

It all makes me wonder what I've accomplished in 2008 so far. Writing has been a little slow because of Pepper's school. So far, we've submitted only 4 Jamie Craig stories, though we've written 5 - 2 Calendar Boys stories, Fortune's Return, and the next Master book. I haven't actually finished any of my solo titles, though I've been chipping away at those when I can. But we have been keeping mostly up on the blog, and I've done a lot of editing, so it's not like we haven't been working.

I've managed to stick with my guns in re-organizing my house, too, so I'm feeling good about that. My guitar lessons are back in full swing, and my teacher tells me that I don't suck, which is always reassuring to hear, lol. I finally managed to return those movies back to Netflix, and I signed up for Freecycle in my area to clear even more unneeded stuff out of my life.

So while I wonder where 2008 is already flying by, taking stock reminds me that I'm not letting it slip by without care. I really am getting stuff done in 2008.

What about you?

1 comment:

Cathy M said...

I am way behind in my to do list. Got my tax prep work done, which is always an ick chore, but haven't even started the photo project I want to do for my son who is graduating from college in May. Lots of ideas floating around in my head, and I really want to make it special, but I keep reaching for a new book to read instead of the photo albulms. Bad, bad mom. lol.